
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Our First Hike

Today we went on our first hike at Walker Ranch in Boulder. I won't write too much because I want to write about it for the Blade. However, you should know we had a blast! I was sooooo proud of my three children. They hiked a whole mile downhill until we reached a creek side picnic area which was filled with lots of fun and laughter. But I was more proud of them when they walked a whole mile UPHILL to get back to the car! We took plenty of rests but they trudged on and made it with very little complaining. What great little hikers! Of course, they slept the whole way home!

The above picture is actually taken at the base of the mountain at a rest stop. Where we hiked was six miles up the mountain from this point. Here is some more of the actual hike.

1 comment:

Christy said...

That's awesome! I can't believe there is no snow. It's so beautiful in Boulder. Do you have plans to ski this winter? Maybe we can come visit next year. :)