
Sunday, August 25, 2013

It's all in Your Head

Sunday long easy 7 miles...DONE!

You know, people often say to me that they don't know how I run so much.  Or so far.  (And let me be very clear that I don't think I run much or far compared to most runners!!)  They say it as if I enjoy it.  As if it comes naturally to me.  And I never know how to answer them.

And when I'm running, I wish they could be in my head.  Because  it's not fun.  And it's not easy.  And in the midst of 99% of my runs I swear I am never going to run again.  I absolutely loathe running when I am running. 

Then I come up on that last mile.  And it's almost over. And I know I only have 11 minutes to go.  Heck, I can even play with my speed and push my limits now, it's almost over.  And I do.  And I finish.  And I swear that feeling at the end is the best feeling in the whole wide world.  The adrenaline.  The euphoria.  The realization that I pushed my body to do something it hates and I made it through.  I finished. 

Today, I am a runner.

Running is 99% mental. 

Your lungs can take it.  Your legs can take it.  Your heart can take it.  It's tearing down the walls you put up in your head.  That's always your biggest hurdle.

Happy Sunday everyone!  Be blessed!  And be a blessing!

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