
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Have a Delicious Day

So far I have been up for just over an hour. I have gotten my children off to school. Put cartoons on for my little one. I shovelled the driveway that is SO FULL of fluffy white flakes this beautiful morning. And I cut up some bright red strawberries to put into my Kellogg's Mini Wheats. Yum!

Then I spoke to my mom, as I do every morning, and she ended our conversation by telling me to have a delicious day. Immediately my head swirled with visions of sloppy kid kisses, sweet desserts, chocolate, the stinging of the cold on my cheeks, romps in the snow, laughter and lots of love. How yummy is all of that??!!

I am off to bible study now and my prayer is that it will be a DELICIOUS DAY for all us!!

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