
Friday, March 9, 2007

Fun with Friends

I'm sooooooo tired! How is it that I have four kids in the house, every one of them sleeping, and I'm wide awake?! Trust me, I want to go to sleep but I have one of them being picked up in an hour. I would hate to not hear the door because I'm sleeping. Maybe I should go have a shower instead and get ready for our trip up to the in-laws tonight. How embarrassing would it be if mom showed up and I was wrapped in a towel??! Nope, that would be way worse than sleeping!

Jimmy came home yesterday. Woo Hoo!! We had a great afternoon. Went to Chilis for dinner...yummy!! It was fun. Kaylee and James get a kick out of the fact that Jagger will do whatever they want him to do. Jagger bop your head up and down. He does. Jagger swing your head side to side. He does. Jagger scream real loud in the middle of the restaurant. He does. OH MY GOODNESS JAGGER YOU HAVE TO BE QUIET!! Those kids are going to get Jagger into so much trouble!!

Went to Lowes next. Got some stuff for ant piles and sand for the sand box. Of course as soon as we got there the delivery man for the mattress (yes, Jagger is moving up to a big boy bed) calls and says he's two minutes from our house (thanks for the advance notice!). I call the neighbors and luckily they go out and meet the guy for me and we arrive home to find a mattress and box spring on our front porch.

The rest of the night was just getting the sand into the sand box. The bed into the bedroom. Nothing too exciting. Jim and I speed-watched American Idol and then watched Survivor. God bless the man that invented the DVR!

Caroline came over this morning with two of her kids. It was loads of fun. All six of the kids running wild in the backyard while her and I got to talk. The fun activity of the day was by far getting to write all over the Little Tykes house with chalk. Who knew?! It's so nice to have another adult to talk to...even if there are six kids yelling in the background! I would hate to have someone without kids over...they just don't get the talk, yell at the kids, talk, walk away quickly, talk, swing kids, talk, break up's a rhythm that only fellow moms get.

Well, we're off to the in-laws tonight. And Kaylee is bringing a friend for the first time. Of course it's her best friend Emily, who just happens to be my best friend Jen's daughter. It's going to be a blast and I'm sure I'll have lots to write on Sunday night. For now though, that's all I've got.

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