
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Bible

So, I really have been reading my bible everyday! Well, except the day that I unknowingly took night-time tylenol all day and couldn't really focus enough to read..but I caught back up the next day. I have to say, it's been an awkward experience so far. I feel like I have more head knowledge but I feel like my relationship with Christ is not growing.

I'm enjoying the reading. Some parts are quite dull (like all the sacrifices in Leviticus) but for the most part, it's really interesting. I remember Mark, our associate pastor, was speaking about what happened during the 40 years that Moses and the Israelites wandered in the desert and I was like...shhhhhhhh, I'm not there yet!! And last Sunday, Tommy, our pastor, was preaching on staying true to your word and he used an illustration from a part of the bible that I've already read and this time I was like..oh yeah, I know that already! It felt cool to know what they were talking about.

On the other hand, if I was not a Christian and had just picked up the bible and started reading from the beginning, like I have, then I would have a very different view of God. He seems so harsh! And the rituals that had to be performed! I mean, you did not want to mess up during those years! I understand, having been in the church for years, that Jesus is sent down to carry all of that weight for us who live now, but what about the people that don't know that and start from the beginning with nothing?.

And then there are the questions. In Leviticus it says that we should not mate two animals of different kinds, we should not wear clothes made from two different types of animals, men should not lie with other men as they would lie with women...okay so why are some of those okay now and not others? Why can I wear a sweater worn of wool and silk but homosexuality is still despicable? Does Jesus address these issues when he comes? Of course this just makes me more curious to keep reading. I do wish however, that there was a person that I could just call when these questions come up....

And back to my relationship with Christ...I am glad to know the Bible. To be reading the Truth. But I am not sure how this is applicable to my life. I can see how it could be in the future. I find though that I read the required night's reading and then go to sleep. Sometimes I don't even pray. And so I am losing the intimacy that I had with Christ. I am thinking about going back to a prayer journal. Read the bible and then write in the journal. Or maybe also do a daily devotional with the reading. I like the reading but I still want my conversation with God.

This has been much different than I expected but I know is well worth the time. I know God is using this and I look forward to seeing how.

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