
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Another Column Done!

It’s that time of year again. Flu shots! I am still relatively new to the flu shots with last year being our first year to get the kids done. Like me, my oldest and youngest get sick all of the time. Last year I decided to get flu shots for all of them and see if it made a difference. My oldest did not go to the doctor from the time she had her shot in October until she had her first ear infection of the swimming season in May. I’m now a believer!

My kids, however, hate the shots. I was determined to have a better time this year. I even went and got one myself from King Soopers on Bromley (the pharmacist, Jim, was quick and almost painless! Thanks Jim). I had to make sure that I was telling the truth when I told my kids that it wouldn’t hurt. It really was quite simple.

I enlisted my husband for support and off we went to Premier Pediatrics. My oldest is terrifed of needles and began to cower in the corner as soon as we got into the room. My middle one was up on the table saying “yay, me first. I’m so brave! Can I get a treat mom?.” Talk about polar opposites! He did go first and said a big “ow” and then giggled and he was done. So very brave!
The nurse wouldn’t do the youngest while he was sleeping (he fell asleep on the car ride). So, we decided that the noise from the oldest would wake the youngest so we’ll just change the order and do her next. She was on her way out the door at that suggestion! My husband had to bring her over and hold her down (another nurse came in because of the noise). It was horrible and I cried through the whole thing. But she did it…my big girl!

I was right, the commotion did wake up the youngest and he was not happy with what was going on. Poor man, after being woken up by the screaming he had to get his pants yanked down and get held down on the table to get his shot in his leg. He didn’t cry so much about the shot as he did about the annoyance!

I’m thinking next year we may pay the extra money to get the mist! My point is that if I can get it done with my three kiddos…anyone can! Jim, the pharmacist says October is the best time to get your flu shot. Your body will build up a resistance in two weeks and it will last six months. It really is painless. My daughter’s advice is to get as worked up as you can and scream as loud as you can and then you won’t even feel it! My strategy is to look the other way and take deep breaths. Either way, it will be over before you know it.

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